Dyslexia simulator
> Cognition simulator
Motor simulator
Vision simulator
While using our cognition simulator you will get the essence of what it’s like for people with autism, adhd and other neurological conditions to use the web. If you lack the special experience that these conditions can bring, you definitely will get a brand new perspective.
What the team behind Funkify aim to achieve with this simulator is to offer a deeper understanding of what you can do with your site to lessen the cognitive impact – and thereby reach out to a broader audience.
So. Go ahead and download the Funkify extension and use our persona “Hyperactive Henny”. Accept the challenge – see if you can keep it running five minutes!
Avoid elements with motion, like image carousels and animations.
Remove clutter from pages. Make what’s important visually clear.
Complement textual content with videos, diagrams, icons, infographics and illustrations.
Create a visual structure and survey your content with clear headings, subheadings and short paragraphs.
User test your interface – preferably on users with a personal experience of adhd, ADD, Tourette or fatigue syndrome.
With the goal of showing what it’s like to surf the web with different neurological conditions we set out to create the best cognition simulator for the web. You may laugh or cry out of recognition if you live with any of the diagnoses adhd, ADD, autism (AST), Tourette, fatigue syndrome – or why not the common condition ‘newly become parent to a toddler’.
In order to achieve this goal, we sat down with people who live with these diagnoses, and picked their brains about what it’s like to surf the web with this incredible sensitivity to sensory impressions and stress. We learned a lot about what type of context that create a stronger cognitive load – and not least what you can do to lessen this load for your users. The result after a cognitive “sitewash” is a surfing experience more pleasant and less distracting. How nifty is that!?
Some pain points that were prominent for this group of users were elements that had motion. For example: having a carousel as a greeting is generally not a good idea.
Other things we discovered was that it’s really important not to stress your user with a countdown timer. While we understand that some businesses have a certain need for this timer, especially booking services, maybe you could change the times so it counts down the minutes instead of the seconds. That is, of course, if you want to increase your sales capacity by including all of you users.